
Secret Santa in NewTec Solutions

Secret Santa is a traditional event we organise every year in our company NewTec Solutions.
It is a New Year happening in which people of our company are randomly assigned a person to whom they give a gift.
The identity of the gift giver is to remain a secret and should not be revealed.
This time, there was a Santa Claus with us, and our dear colleague Zoki found himself in the role of Santa Claus.

New Year show for kids

Last weekend, we organized a social event for our little members of the NewTec Solutions family. Our company has prepared nice presents for everyone. The event took place in the Fanatik kids playroom.

CANSEE Canada software partner

Cansee Certificate of Appreciation for NewTec Solutions

This year’s Cansee Christmas Party, took place on December 15th, in the residence of the Canadian ambassador in Serbia. His excellence was present and our company has been presented an accolade – the Cansee Certificate of Appreciation.