PRESS – Organizing conferences and business meetings

iphone development

Have you ever been in a position to organize a business conference and associated meetings? If you work in marketing you know it is complex task.
It is necessary to take care of the invitations and registration participants and speakers, to provide ID cards, programs, create personalized programs to distribute timely information to all registered participants …

In short, the work done for months, and that requires a lot of planning and coordination of hundred different activities. Conference organizers appreciate any help, and it can come in the form of tools that automate this task, in full or at least a portion of the required tasks. Given the specificity and complexity of the problem, can not be expected to be many solutions available.

Indeed, in extensive internet search, we found only a dozen solutions that deal with this subject, a good and comprehensive solutions can be given to fingers of one hand. You may find it interesting that such a solution is developed in Serbia.
The name of the product, or to be more precise online system is TalkB2B, and developed by the (and still developing) NewTec Solutions.

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